Synthetic engine oil
Fully synthetic, premium performance engine oil with specifically low ash, sulphur and phosphorous content, for the most modern commercial motor vehicles.
It meets the requirements of the wide range of performance levels required by engine manufacturers, as well as the most stringent US and European specifications for diesel engine oils. It is particularly recommended for motor vehicles that are manufactured with exhaust gas purification systems that comply with the emission requirements of the Euro IV, Euro V and Euro VI standards.
API CI-4; ACEA E9-12; ACEA E7-12; ACEA E6-12; ACEA E4-99 Issue 2; MB-Approval 228.51; MAN M 3477, M 3271-1; Volvo VDS-3; Tatra TDS 40/16; Renault RLD-2, RXD; Mack EO-N; JASO DH-2; DAF; MTU Type 3.1; Cummins CES 20077, CES 20076; Deutz DQC III-10LA, DQC IV-10LA