Motor oil
Motor oil usable for lubrication of Euro III, Euro IV and Euro V engines. It meets the requirements of the advanced ACEA E7-12 and API CI-4 commercial vehicle motor oil efficiency levels. It ensures a longer engine duration period and excellent anti-wear protection. Based on the approval of original engine manufacturers, it provides an oil change interval of 60 000 km, or even longer in some cases, for long-distance driving.
Motor oil usable for lubrication of Euro III, Euro IV and Euro V engines – heavy diesel vehicles, construction and work machines. Ideal application for all modern diesel vehicles under high loads in systems EGR and SCR.
SAE 10W-40; API SL, CI-4; ACEA E7-12, A3/B3, A3/B4; Global DHD-1; JASO DH-1; MB 228.3*, MB 229.1*; MAN 3275-1*; Volvo VDS-3*; Renault RLD-2*; MTU Tip 2; Deutz DQC III-10*; Cummins CES 20078, CES 20077, CES 20076; MACK EO-M Plus*; DDC series 2000/4000, 93K215; Allison C-4; Mack EO-N; Tatra TDS 30/12